L’azienda Il Poggio Verde s.s.a nasce nel 2008 dall’amore per il verde dalla famiglia Mazza.
Una passione che nasce da un’esperienza decennale nel settore vivaistico, con il vanto di collaborazioni con le più grandi e nominate aziende del settore. Con una superficie di 11 ettari di Vivaio all’ingrosso a Grosseto e di 1 ettaro a Grottaferrata (Rm) riescono a soddisfare tutte l’ esigenze dei clienti, dalla produzione alla vendita e messa in opera di piantumazioni, parchi , giardini e verde in genere.
La produzione delle nostre piante mediterranee sono di dimensioni piccolo, medio e grandi, sia in zolla che in vaso.
Il nostro mercato è rivolto a quello nazionale e internazionale.
Perché sceglierci ?
Il Poggio Verde ristruttura completamente i giardini rendendoli un oasi che da l’idea di casa, la nostra mission è quella di creare una zona confort all’esterno delle vostre case.
100% Garantito
"Crea il tuo paradiso verde con le piante del nostro vivaio: qualità 100% garantita per un giardino in cui la bellezza è assicurata."
Dedicated Support
"Presso il nostro vivaio, offriamo un supporto dedicato per garantire che ogni pianta mediterranea cresca con successo nel tuo giardino."
Reasonable Price
"Abbiamo a cuore la tua passione per il verde, offrendoti qualità senza compromessi a prezzi che si adattano al tuo budget."
Environmentally Friendly
"Con un impegno genuino per la bellezza e la vitalità delle piante, ci uniamo a te nel coltivare un legame speciale con il verde che ci circonda."
Professional Team
"Comprendiamo che la soddisfazione del cliente inizia con un servizio affidabile."
Quickly And Efficiently
"Siamo veloci ed efficienti, assicurandoci che ogni tua esperienza con il nostro vivaio sia un rapido passo verso la bellezza naturale nel tuo spazio."
Our clients
In addition to the wishes of the client, the position, orientation, and size of the plot also play an important role in determining the final plan of the house. The 'where' and 'how' of the exterior then follows naturally from all of that.
We Love Lanscop!
“ When we were looking to install a rain garden due to a water drainage issue on our side yard, we were so fortunate to find Lanscop Garden Service on-line. Lauren responded to us promptly and was out to provide her professional opinion as to what was needed to solve our issue. She provided us with a tasteful and beautifully designed and effective solution to our drainage and erosion issues.”
Catrina Bonus
New York City
“ We were so fortunate to find Lanscop Garden Service on-line when we were looking to install a rain garden due to a water drainage issue on our side yard. Lauren responded to us promptly and was out to provide her professional opinion as to what was needed to solve our issue. She provided us with a tasteful and beautifully designed and effective solution to our drainage and erosion issues.”
Tom Holland
Manchester City
“ When we were looking to install a rain garden due to a water drainage issue on our side yard, we were so fortunate to find Lanscop Garden Service on-line. Lauren responded to us promptly and was out to provide her professional opinion as to what was needed to solve our issue. She provided us with a tasteful and beautifully designed and effective solution to our drainage and erosion issues.”
Noor Mallick
New York City
“ We were so fortunate to find Lanscop Garden Service on-line when we were looking to install a rain garden due to a water drainage issue on our side yard. Lauren responded to us promptly and was out to provide her professional opinion as to what was needed to solve our issue. She provided us with a tasteful and beautifully designed and effective solution to our drainage and erosion issues.”
Sam Khan
Working Process
Before working, we always advise our customers
about the options for customers to refer
Design & Work
We will look into your garden and give you an idea
of how it will work
Complete & Maintenance
Your loved garden will be warranted by us within 1
year of completion